Who We Are

We Are A Team Committed To The Best Brain Rehabilitation

We understand the challenges you face on a daily basis. The majority of us at the Brain Rehab Clinic suffered from a brain or neurologic injury at some point in our lives. We struggled in school, experienced pain that couldn't be mitigated, and generally didn't feel well. That all changed when we were introduced to chiropractic neurology and began the process of rehabilitating our brains

You can overcome and live life to its fullest. We should know, we've done it! We're not claiming to have the miracle cure, nor the ability to fix every ailment. What we offer requires hard work, commitment, and dedication. We're here to teach, encourage, and help you along the way. Learn more about What We Do and How It Works.

Too Good To Be True?

Don't Just Take Our Word For It, Check Out What Our Patients Have to Say:

We Are A Team Committed To The Best Brain Rehabilitation -

We understand the challenges you face on a daily basis. All of us at the Brain Rehab Clinic suffered from a brain or neurological injury at some point in our lives. We struggled in school, experienced pain that couldn't be mitigated, and generally didn't feel well. That all changed when we were introduced to chiropractic neurology and began the process of rehabilitating our brains.

You can overcome and live life to it's fullest. We should know, we've done it! We're not claiming to have the miracle cure, nor the ability to fix every ailment. What we offer requires hard work, commitment, and dedication. We're here to teach, encourage, and help you along the way. Learn more about What We Do and How It Works.



See What MORE Of Our


“I have been taking Brain Rehab's Nourishment for a Deep Sleep Supplement for the past few weeks and have noticed a remarkable improvement in the quality and duration of my sleep. In the past I have had extreme difficulty in falling and staying asleep due to my mind being cluttered with thoughts. I also had problems getting relaxed enough to fall asleep easily and quickly.

After taking the supplement, I find that I become sleepy within 20-30 minutes and drift off to sleep easily. I am also able to stay asleep the entire night without waking up at all until morning when my alarm goes off. After waking I feel rested and ready to begin my day. It has made a significant positive impact on the duration and quality of my sleep!"

Trina W.

54 Years Young


" I have struggled with sleep my entire life. I have tried almost every prescription that is out there, with no relief. Since I started taking Deep Sleep, I have gone from sleeping 4 hours a night, to 8-9 hours. The best part of Deep Sleep, is that you don’t wake up groggy, just refreshed. I am thrilled with Deep Sleep and how it has changed my life."

Melissa W.


Meet Dr. Hatch, DC

My passion, dedication, and drive come from a time in my life when I suffered a devastating brain injury. Nobody around me knew what I was dealing with and even I didn't realize how hard it was for me until I repaired the function in my brain. School was such a struggle and I was slower than most kids in reading and test-taking. This experience gave me a genuine and sincere desire to help all those I can get through a difficult health crisis".

- Dr. John Hatch,

DC, DACNB, FABBIRDC, DACNB, FABBIR, Chiropractic Physician, Board Certified Functional Neurologist

& Neuroplastician

Meet Dr. Hatch, DC

My passion, dedication, and drive come from a time in my life when I suffered a devastating brain injury. Nobody around me knew what I was dealing with and even I didn't realize how hard it was for me until I repaired the function in my brain. School was such a struggle and I was slower than most kids in reading and test-taking. This experience gave me a genuine and sincere desire to help all those I can get through a difficult health crisis".

- Dr. John Hatch,

DC, DACNB, FABBIRDC, DACNB, FABBIR, Chiropractic Physician, Board Certified Functional Neurologist & Neuroplastician


Meet Our Team


Meet the CHTS Instructors

W. Dennis Parker

Owner & Primary Instructor of CHTS

Debbie Packer

CHTS Board Member & Guest Instructor

Craig Bickmore

CHTS Board Member & Guest Instructor

W. Dennis Parker

Owner & Primary Instructor of CHTS

Debbie Packer

CHTS Board Member & Guest Instructor

Craig Bickmore

CHTS Board Member & Guest Instructor


W. Dennis Parker - 

ACHE Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Board Certified Hypnotherapist Examiner,

CHTS Primary Instructor & School Operator, Textbook Author & Creator of the Advanced Protocols & Techniques of Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical (PMMCC) Hypnotherapy & the Protocols of Adversarial Resistance.

Dennis' Areas of Expertise:

Overcoming Fears & Phobias including Fear of Public Speaking, making sales calls & eliminating Sports Performance Anxieties. He also specializes in Pain Control or Pain Elimination from acute to chronic, Sleep Problems & Desensitization of Past Sensitizing Events (i.e. releasing emotional content from past negative experiences like abuse). 

Personal Info:

Dennis grew up in Roy, Utah. Prior to starting CHTS, he enjoyed having a very successful, 38 year, Contracting & Sales career with three national companies. His personal interests these days revolve mainly around his amazing wife Susie, his 11 children & their families (42 grandchildren to date). Together they enjoy Sunday dinners, training horses & working hard together building houses in Idaho to name few. In his free time Dennis also serves in volunteer church responsibilities & enjoys golfing, camping, fishing, gardening & yard work. He has a love of horses, dogs & animals in general & greatly enjoys spending time with his horse Buddy.

As a PMMCC Hypnotherapist at his own Clinic, Positive Mind Management Services, Dennis does private, individual PMMCC Hypnotherapy Sessions & Group Training Sessions for Businesses & Families. Both are available either Online or In-Person at the office which is also located in Farr West, UT just adjacent to the School.

📌 Purchase our Student Pre-Pay Discount Pack @: Product Store

I'm just an old cowboy in a suit who has learned how to do a few things. But those things that I do, I have worked hard at learning to do them exceptionally well. Over the years, I’ve been open to inspiration & willing to experiment with hypnotherapy processes. In doing so, I have been divinely guided in developing powerful new protocols that are simple to understand, easy to teach & fun to use. 

As a PMMCC Hypnotherapist, you will be able to help your clients achieve wonderful results as you apply these proven processes in your own Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical (PMMCC) Hypnotherapy Sessions."  

All in all, it is Dennis' greatest desire is to help people fast track their success in both their business & personal lives by sharing the ground-breaking PMMCC Hypnotherapy techniques that he has learned over the past 30+ years of clinical hypnotherapy work.

He is known for encouraging students to get out of the observer’s chair:   

We need hypnotherapists who are willing to get in & do their own work first & learn hypnosis from the inside out. You don’t learn this work from a book; you learn it best from the results you achieve personally by experiencing it yourself as you apply it to your own problems & achieve your own desired changes.” 

Download & Listen to a special talk given by Dennis about what he believes & WHY he teaches everything from a Christian Perspective... 

Read & Print Dennis' Personal Hypno-Story here... 

Dennis also does Motivational & Inspirational Public Speaking, including Seminars, Workshops, Retreats & Training Days based on the principals of Positive Mind Management. His Stress Mind Management programs have been a corporate workshop favorite... If interested, be sure & ask for his resume, booking info & referral groups he has addressed.

Mind / Body Connections Phone:

(801) 589-5107

chts guest instructor

Debbie Packer - 

ACHE Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist & PMMCC Hypnotherapy Practitioner, CHTS Board Member & Guest Instructor

Debbie's Areas of Expertise:

Natural Child Birth, Smoking Cessation, Teen Behavioral Modifications – especially Eliminating Anxieties & Performance Improvement for Sports, Dance & Gymnastics. Debbie’s easy style makes her a joy to listen to & to be around. She has actively practiced PMMCC Hypnotherapy for the past decade. Working both out of her home & as a Therapist for Health & Wellness Clinics, Debbie has continued to learn & evolve her practice & her proficiency through workshops, conventions, & other hypnotherapists. Her own practice is called Mind / Body Connections & you can book an appointment by calling: 801-589-5107.


Debbie was a former school teacher in a Northern Utah school district for many years. She also taught self-hypnosis in continuing education classes for many years after that. She is the mother of 6 children, & the grandmother of five. She & her husband, Bob, live in Clearfield, UT.

I have worked successfully to help many clients stop smoking. I consider Smoking Cessation & working with teens on Behavioral Modifications including Motivation, Anxiety Elimination & Performance Improvement for Sports, Dance & Gymnastics as my forte.”

chts guest instructor

Craig Bickmore - 

ACHE Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist & PMMCC Hypnotherapy Practitioner, CHTS Board Member & Guest Instructor

craig's Areas of Expertise:

Craig is a “Thought Dynamics” Trainer & Educator. He teaches a version of PMMCC Hypnotherapy techniques to auto dealers that he calls, “Dealer Mind Management”. He is a professional presenter & an ACHE & PMMCC Hypnotherapist.

craig's personal info:

For over twenty years, one of Craig’s greatest passions has been the development of the practice of hypnotherapy in Utah. He works diligently at educating others about the benefits of trance hypnotherapy, helping people to understand that hypnosis can be an effective & powerful tool in overcoming life’s challenges & concerns. He has successfully overcome many of his own life challenges by implementing the principles of hypnosis that he now teaches to others. 

If you want to make significant gains in your life that are geometric in nature, take the required time to learn and practice the principles of self-hypnosis. It will get you where you want to go faster than anything else I have ever experienced. After all, what do you have to lose except a few bad habits or a non-productive belief or two?”

🧠Or, Learn The MOST By GETTING

Dr. Hatch's Latest Best-Selling Book:

The Patient Experience HERE!👇

Then, Before You Go, GET MORE INFO + A Discount On DEEP SLEEP NOW Using Link Below

+ Promo-Code = BRC-Web#1

&/Or MORE INFO + A Discount On A Bottle Of SUSTAIN NOW Using Link Below

+ Promo-Code = BRC-Web#2


Dr. Hatch's Latest Best-Selling Book:

The Patient Experience HERE!

Then, Before You Go, GET MORE INFO + A Discount On DEEP SLEEP NOW Using Link Below + Promo-Code = BRC-Web#1

&/Or GET MORE INFO + A Discount On A Bottle Of SUSTAIN NOW Using Link Below + Promo-Code = BRC-Web#2

Or, Learn The MOST By GETTING Dr. Hatch's Latest Best-Selling Book: The Patient Experience HERE!

Work is the antidote to anxiety. Gratitude is the antidote to depression"

- Dr. Hatch, DC, DACNB, FABBIR

A Note From Taylor...

Hello! I am truly honored & thrilled that you're Interested in learning more about me & the Advanced Mental & Emotional Skills & Tools of Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy which I specialize in. I have personally benefited greatly from this as well as helped many of people change their lives & improve their families by teaching them how to apply these Powerful Techniques. 


Taylor Kennington
Registered with ACHE,  PMMCC Hypnotherapy & The PMMCC Hypnotherapists Guild
Taylor Kennington is a noted Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist registered with the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE), Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical (PMMCC) Hypnotherapy & the Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical  (PMMCC) Hypnotherapists Guild.  

Taylor is trained in Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Suggestion Hypnotherapy & Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy & the Protocols of Adversarial Resistance - these Advanced Mental & Emotional Protocols, Skills, Tools & Techniques are taught exclusively at the Certified Hypnotherapy Training School by Developer, Owner, CEO, Instructor & School Operator W. Dennis Parker.  For Taylor's Full Bio Click Here.  

2021 Live Course

Start Dates!...

You can start with your TEXTBOOK STUDY & the ONLINE PORTION of the training ANYTIME & then finish with the LIVE CLASSROOM TRAINING'S at your own pace.  We will help make any Scheduling Conflict WORK! 

The QUICKER you get started, the QUICKER you'll be on your way to accomplishing all your PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL 

Hopes, Dreams, Goals & Aspirations!

2020 Fall Course Starts - 

Monday September 14th

2021 Winter Course Starts - 

(Tbd January 2021)

2021 Spring Course Starts - 

(Tbd April 2021)

2021 Summer Intensive Course Starts - 

(Tbd July 2021)

2021 Fall Course Starts - 

(Tbd September 2021)

*This is 100% FREE training, no credit card required.
Start the LIVE Classroom Trainings 

& Case Study Sessions HERE...

If you are serious about being competent at assisting your clients achieve life changing results with Clinical Hypnotherapy then CHTS training's in Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy Protocols are the RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOU!

Why Choose CHTS?...

8 Reasons Why CHTS Video Break Down + Time Codes:

Easy to Use
Praesent semper, lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis in luctus ultrice tellus potenti.
Feugiat erat a ipsum viverra, vel finibus est bibendum. Praesent commodo dolor a lorem.
Integer sit amet molestie elit. Suspendisse pulvinar sed felis ut iaculineque, at ultrices.
Easy to Use
Praesent semper, lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis in luctus ultrice tellus potenti.
Feugiat erat a ipsum viverra, vel finibus est bibendum. Praesent commodo dolor a lorem.
Integer sit amet molestie elit. Suspendisse pulvinar sed felis ut iaculineque, at ultrices.
PMMCC Hypnotherapy 

Session Packages with 

W. Dennis Parker

Prepay Discount Package Includes 

3 - 1 Hour 15 Minute Sessions

These can be completed either 

In-Person at our office in Farr West UT, 

or Online via Skype or Zoom

REGULAR PRICE:  $405.00 


PMMCC Hypnotherapy 

Session Packages 

+ Educational Package

Prepay Discount Package Includes 

3 - 1 Hour 15 Minute Sessions


(or CD Downloads)

These can be completed either In-Person at our office in Farr West UT, 

or Online via Skype or Zoom

REGULAR PRICE:  $585.00 


PMMCC Hypnotherapy 

Session Packages with 

W. Dennis Parker

Prepay Discount Package Includes 

6 - 1 Hour 15 Minute Sessions

These can be completed either 

In-Person at our office in Farr West UT, 

or Online via Skype or Zoom

REGULAR PRICE:  $405.00 


PMMCC Hypnotherapy 

Session Packages 

+ Educational Package

Prepay Discount Package Includes 

6 - 1 Hour 15 Minute Sessions


(or CD Downloads)

REGULAR PRICE:  $585.00 




Join Us!...

TO Contact Us hit the get started now button OR


HOURS: Mondays - Fridays: 8am - 1:30pm

EMAIL: office@brainrehabclinic.com

OFFICE: (801) 766-6580

ADDRESS: 1365 W. 1250 S., Suite 101, Orem, UT 84058

1365 W. 1250 S., Suite 101, Orem, UT 84058

FAQs: Answered HERE!

© 2024 | Brain Rehab Clinic |  All Rights Reserved

TO Contact Us hit the get started now button OR


HOURS: Mondays - Fridays: 8am - 1:30pm

EMAIL: office@brainrehabclinic.com

OFFICE: (801) 766-6580

ADDRESS: 1365 W. 1250 S., Suite 101, Orem, UT 84058

1365 W. 1250 S., Suite 101, Orem, UT 84058

FAQs: Answered HERE!